Whatever's Written in Your Heart

So.  This dating thing. 

I won't lie or mince words - it is scary for me.  I have a gaggle of ghosts that like to visit and try to spook me out of moving forward into something that could be very, very good.  The thing is - those ghosts are no longer as frightening as they once were. Those little apparitions have been losing their ectoplasmic power over the past year. Nevertheless, they made an appearance the other night. And they were joined by the rest of the debate team; my own personal version of NORAD (the early warning defence system that I have carefully crafted over the years) and (the newest member of the team) the Truth Teller.  

The three of them convened their little debate on the heels of a...well...a whirlwind week. With my new beau. A whirlwind week that has culminated in us expressing, often, how we feel about each other. I am happy to report that we are equally smitten. Not only can the people around us see it but we can see it in each other's eyes when we look at each other. This relationship has surprised us both - neither of us having expected any of it - which is maybe why I can honestly tell you - I've never felt this way before. So, on an evening, when we found it nearly impossible to say goodnight, the debate team swooped in for a knock down drag out fight. Each of them made their points, arguing vociferously to sway me. Ghosts from the past were paraded through; raspy voices resurrecting destructive memories in their attempts to scare me away from what is before me. The General, who has been in charge of my very complex, highly tuned state of the art defence system for decades, reported how I had breached some of the early warning systems and to proceed any further, and at this speed, would surely compromise my safety and well-being. He couldn't be held responsible should I carelessly circumvent these protocols.  

Then, the Truth Teller, who is a new and very welcome member of this team, stepped quietly into the milieu and simply said - "What's true?"  "Whatever's honest, do that." And at that moment the ghosts scattered and my faithful General respectfully bowed out, knowing they had no choice but to concede to truth. 

After the debate team exited, I climbed into bed and firing up my laptop and opening YouTube. The beau and I had talked about music that night and I decided to re-aquaint myself with Gerry Rafferty - one of the artists he had professed was one of his (many) favourites. I clicked on the full album "City to City" to listen.  Ah yes...I remember 'Bakers Street'...and yes... I remember 'Right Down the Line' too. Then a new song hit the queue and I instantly fell in love with it. It spoke to me, right in that moment. Yes, the song is about a breakup, but it was the chorus that grabbed me. It was as if the Truth Teller had requested this song be played in his absence to reiterate his point; 

"Whatever's written in your heart, that's all that matters."

I settled into bed and smiled. Yes. What's true is that I'm falling in love. That's what's written on my heart.  

The next morning, I texted the YouTube link to my boy, telling him I had fallen in love with this piece.  

His reply - "My favourite song"


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