Flip Side

I’m still working out the bugs about how and what and when to write a blog.  It is, after all, typically about my personal journey, observations, and experiences. Which means the content may vary. The rants could be explosive, the observances silly, and the opinions changing over time as new perspectives come to light. We’re all learning here.

I also prefer to be funny. Inspirational if possible. I like to put the sunny spin on something. Maybe because I value and chase hope every single day. But I also know that in my own experience, people who are “always happy” can start to grate on you. And people who talk about the hard stuff – and hopefully how they navigated through it – are the ones I find the most value from listening to.

I don’t think I’m special. No more than anyone else. I just like to string words together and hope they’re enjoyable. I never for one moment think my view of the world is “the” one. Everyone’s experiences are made up of thousands and thousands of tiny differing strands. And I have learned over time to appreciate and not be threatened by all the differences.

What am I trying to say? (Hmmmm…apparently this is where the blog turns in to rambling repartee.)

My point is that the post I wrote the other night – about how incredibly challenging the last 5 months have been – should have included a flip side. Partly because, I hate ending on a downer note of any kind. My intent is never about garnering sympathy or pity from anyone – I’m just simply telling people where I’m at in that moment. (For instance – I’ve been very uncommunicative and quite anti-social of late – and there was a reason for that.)  But I also should have included a flip side because even the hard stuff produces shining moments. And usually they are all the more shiny because of the pressure. (Insert analogy about the strength and brilliance of a diamond, the formation of which is critically dependent on pressure and heat)

So – some of the shining moments that carried me.

Despite my job depleting me, I love the people I work with. Hugs are gladly and generously shared. Often. Listening ears are around every corner. We are all walking the same challenges but we aren’t all walking them in the same way. So we gain encouragement and inspiration from each other. I couldn’t have made it this far with a building full of strangers. We have had each other’s backs. And speaking of strangers – there’s been a lot of new people in my workaday world and it’s fantastic to find others who:
a) share your twisted irreverent sense of humour, 
b) are all about the collaboration, 
c) are willing to jump in and do anything for you because they are awesome, and 
d) a medical director who you have to monitor because he may or may not be meeting the big-wigs with all his teeth.

Speaking of which – that MD has been the origin of several shining moments. He gifted me a grapevine wreath made with his own hands and brought me a bouquet of forks wrapped in red ribbon. (Long story).

I had a thoughtful volunteer phone to express her concern for me after a troubling encounter with an angry Mr. Joe Public.  And because of said encounter with angry Mr. Joe Public, I now am graced with a weekly visit from an encouraging Protection Services Officer who makes it his business to show up at my desk to see how I’m doing. Nice to know people are looking out for you. 

I have shoe groupies. It’s nice that something which makes me happy, can make other people happy too.

Sunday brunches with girlfriends. Benny’s or Huevo’s, Mimosa’s or Bubble tea. Delight.

Freddie’s Dahlia martini’s.

An expression of love and encouragement from a most delightful couple – new acquaintances who always bring a smile to my face when I see them.

A dance around the kitchen with a dear friend of my beau.

CFL football – in a stadium – the only way to watch it.

A surprise bonus Emily Carr exhibit when you thought you were only going to see the Claude Monet exhibit. Thank you rainy Vancouver day that forced us to seek an indoor activity.

The dinners cooked, kitchen cleaned, car washed, tires quoted, driveway shovelled, myriad little acts of thoughtfulness that my beau bestows on me.

He always takes my hand.

Our mutual love of music. He's introduced me to artists I have either not stopped and listened to or not heard of. Leonard Cohen’s, ‘If it Be Your Will’ (makes me cry every time). Joe Bonamassa (such skill and grit – a Blues prodigy). Chris Rea (so transfixed on the 2 minute intro to his song I nearly drove off the road).

My boys. I love my boys. Every random funny little text or picture they send me. Skinning Beavers. Blowing up Beavers. Brewdog updates. Invitations to visit.

Little people on my lap. The Kasey’s, the Waylon’s, the Reuben’s, the Desmond’s.

I could go on and on but I gotta tell ya – that the thing I’ve learned this past year is how lucky and fortunate I am. I have the best tribe. They bring me joy and light and laughter. They wipe a tear. They cheer me on. Run the race with me.  It’s what keeps me moving forward. Thriving. Smiling.


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